The perfect match for staining and graining. The materials contained in this system are specially designed to enable you to quickly and accurately replace background and grain colors on damaged furniture and cabinets. Any color in wood tones can be matched from staining and graining colors. The color guide brings you to a close match quickly and easily. This Match-All™ System makes the job easier for all levels from novice to pro repair technician.
- Rich, true pigment colors
- Fade resistant
- Easy stir (or shake) in formula
- Sufficient color blending time
- Ability to blend a total range of color spectrum
- Brushes easily
- Compatible with most topcoats
- Available in many colors
Mix Match-All Staining Liquid before using (stir or gently shake). Use the Tinting Guide to find the color page closest to the background color. Follow the blending formula on that color page, and using the Tinting Loop, carefully measure the prescribed amount of each stain color onto the Tinting Glass. Blend the stain colors together and hold the glass over panel to test the color. If the match is good, apply the stain to the repair area. If color needs further adjustment, tint as required. Complete repair by replacing grain using Match-All Graining Liquid. Seal with Mohawk Sanding Sealer M102-0423 and apply Mohawk Clear Lacquer Aerosol of the proper sheen.